Thursday, July 23, 2009


We've all had those moments where the Lord is working in us...deep within us..we feel it as it happens. There are all sorts of examples: helping someone who is struggling financially, randomly calling that person you haven't talked to in months who happened to enter your mind today, emailing your good friend asking for prayer requests, standing up for the kid getting picked on in the locker room in junior high, or just doing something slightly out of the ordinary just to help someone out. These things are all very thoughtful and Christlike. Yet, don't they seem somewhat....rare? I don't mean rare on a worldwide spectrum, or even nationwide for that matter. I'm simply talking about one's individual life. All of these God inspired deeds, are ones of very good nature and are very prominent in the retrospect of anybody's life. But is the reason they stand out so much, because of their infrequent appearances? I believe the Lord is always working within us, in the presence of every decision. In Romans 6:11(NKJV) it reads: "11 Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord."... Through Jesus Christ we are alive to God. If Christ is alive within us and we are alive to God because of this, doesn't that prove to be consistent? In other words, life is a constant. If you are not living you are dead. If Christ is alive inside of us, wouldn't that mean He is working in us at all times. Which finally brings me to my point...How often do we listen?

It bothers me to think that the Lord is consistently working in me and moving me to make the right choice in all of life's "tight spots", yet there are only those few times that I do exactly what He has called me to do in that specific moment. I don't want those "God's way" moments to be
rare....I want them to be my entire life
. I want to be wrapped up in those moments. I want to live to be a good steward of my own God given good nature. The Lord is eternal and ultimate. Why not honor that by striving to not just succeed in those few moments of extravagant Christlike behavior, but to live for every moment in a way that is pleasing unto Him. I only hope I can take my own thoughts to heart and pursue the Lord the best I can in every mom

He is always working within us, because we are alive in Him...
