Monday, December 14, 2009


God is SO infinitely GOOD and JUST and AWESOME and WOW. wow wow wow wow wow. I honestly cannot believe this. December 12th 2009 was two days ago and it was HUGE. The reason being, I asked Lauren Celeste Moriconi to be mine forever.

For those who don't know her...she's the little 4' 11" ball of joy and compassion that I'm constantly following around :). I have been so blessed to have had God not only answer my prayers but for giving me so much more than I ever thought possible at such a young age. All the glory to Him, for creating such a fascinating and wonderfully radiant soul in Lauren.

I met Lauren on a Wednesday night in early 2008. After I had been living at DBU for a few months during my first semester, me and my (now most recent roomate and one of my absolute best friends ever) Wes began going to the Wednesday night College group gatherings at First Euless in Euless, TX. On this particular night we were going to Mission Arlington to help out with stocking canned foods. Lauren came as a friend of Lindsey Buchmann (One of the girls who regularly attended Wednesday nights.....also a hilariously awkward friend). As the night moved forward I found myself handing her canned peas over and over again. In retrospect I think I strongly misjudged her stature and handed her way too many cans at one time for such a tiny little lady. However she seemed to smile and make small talk nonetheless. At the end of the night I didn't see myself pursuing other words it wasn't love at first sight, but there was definitely a new friend in the works! A day or two later she added me as a friend on facebook. If somehow you haven't heard of facebook... this has to be the ultimate way to get to know someone else! I still remember her picture being that one with the pretty flower, and the even prettier smile! I knew I wanted to see this girl again!

One Wednesday night the college group went to Taco Cabana afterwords and we had some horrible nachos...Lauren seemed really interested in the fact that we had the same major and I wound up forgetting about my wasted money on the nachos..Ha I remember her asking me lots of questions.

I remember the first day we hung out was in March...I had suggested we meet at DBU and then I would run errands with her, which included her picking up a friend from the airport. That was the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! I've honestly never had that much fun getting to know another human being! She was so amazing and intriguing, that I asked her to hang out with me the next day. It was awesome............I could keep going on forever about how much fun, joy, happiness, and excitement this girl has brought to my life! The point is God brought us together.. we fell in love and I gradually realized I never wanted to imagine my life without her right beside me. Thank you God in heaven that she feels the same way!!!! She said yes! And I am so excited!!

The Lord is the reason for it all, and I pray we keep Him as our only cornerstone forever.

Thanks to everyone for all the prayer and support. I love you all!

God bless.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dc*B ChurCh MusiC

I've been jamming hard to this one lately!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

RoboTS & MonSTerS

a pretty pointless yet intriguing website i stumbled upon....

Thursday, July 23, 2009


We've all had those moments where the Lord is working in us...deep within us..we feel it as it happens. There are all sorts of examples: helping someone who is struggling financially, randomly calling that person you haven't talked to in months who happened to enter your mind today, emailing your good friend asking for prayer requests, standing up for the kid getting picked on in the locker room in junior high, or just doing something slightly out of the ordinary just to help someone out. These things are all very thoughtful and Christlike. Yet, don't they seem somewhat....rare? I don't mean rare on a worldwide spectrum, or even nationwide for that matter. I'm simply talking about one's individual life. All of these God inspired deeds, are ones of very good nature and are very prominent in the retrospect of anybody's life. But is the reason they stand out so much, because of their infrequent appearances? I believe the Lord is always working within us, in the presence of every decision. In Romans 6:11(NKJV) it reads: "11 Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord."... Through Jesus Christ we are alive to God. If Christ is alive within us and we are alive to God because of this, doesn't that prove to be consistent? In other words, life is a constant. If you are not living you are dead. If Christ is alive inside of us, wouldn't that mean He is working in us at all times. Which finally brings me to my point...How often do we listen?

It bothers me to think that the Lord is consistently working in me and moving me to make the right choice in all of life's "tight spots", yet there are only those few times that I do exactly what He has called me to do in that specific moment. I don't want those "God's way" moments to be
rare....I want them to be my entire life
. I want to be wrapped up in those moments. I want to live to be a good steward of my own God given good nature. The Lord is eternal and ultimate. Why not honor that by striving to not just succeed in those few moments of extravagant Christlike behavior, but to live for every moment in a way that is pleasing unto Him. I only hope I can take my own thoughts to heart and pursue the Lord the best I can in every mom

He is always working within us, because we are alive in Him...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009


For Thou, O Lord, art high above all the earth
Thou art exalted far above all gods
For Thou, O Lord, art high above all the earth

Thou art exalted far above all gods

I exalt Thee
I exalt Thee
I exalt Thee, O Lord

I exalt Thee
I exalt Thee
I exalt Thee, O Lord

I heard this song for the first time in a long time last week. It is such a passionate and sincere praise to the Lord. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the blessings I have been so graciously given by the Father. I have an amazing family. One that I have realized since I've moved away, that is completely unique, unified, and bound by love. My mom Pam is the best mom there is...she loves me unconditionally and has always put me and Allex first, and does everything she can to ensure our success. My dad Allan is the strongest man I know and so much smarter than he gives himself credit for. He works hard to provide a great life for me, my, mom, and sister. I have extremely genuine loving grandparents on both sides, all of which I am still being able to spend valuble years with. Aaron is my best bud/cousin/best friend/brother who I talk to at least twice a week, he now has an amazing family, who I am so blessed to spend quality time with. I have the best girlfriend in the world. Lauren needs no one but the Lord to be content, and I love her passion for that concept. She has introduced me to many new people who I am now blessed to know and get to know. I have great friends, an amazing family, the best girlfriend, and the one and only savior. Now that God is opening new doors for me and potentially broadening my horizons, so to speak, I know that I am completely content in what He has given me so far. So if my future doesn't exactly unfold like I think it might, I know that I am blessed and that God will lead me in the right direction to what He has called me to do. He has blessed me beyond measure.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


In the book I am currently reading..Our Sufficiency in Christ by John MacArthur it talks about how too many people have gained a perspective that all the spiritual resources we gain at the moment of salvation are not adequate to meet the needs of today's complex world. People instead look to different methods of psychology which drains Christianity of it's vitality.

"true psychology can be done only by Christians, since only Christians have the resources for the understanding and transformation of the soul."

I think this is so typical of especially my generation. With technology working its way into all aspects of life there is always an attractive distraction to lead us into turning our back on Christ's provision. This is unhealthy for Christians especially in a world that is gradually becoming more and more desensitized. I often think about these aspects of the modern world... How can we as Christians become a huge revolution, when we are constantly becoming more and more tolerant of the world's standards instead of depending fully on God?

Saturday, February 21, 2009


For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

I try to keep this verse as the ultimate authority in my life. It so clearly defines the contrast of our faith. The consequence for our sin is death, yet God so graciously gives us the one and only way to Eternal Life. Jesus Christ.
This is my favorite verse and one I think about often, so I deemed it fit to be the content of my first blog.
